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Personal Training at Strive2BFIT

Working with a Personal trainer can help you reach your health and fitness goals and help you get there faster! 

At Strive2BFIT we offer Personal Training Services with certified coaches who are trained in creating and implementing safe and effective exercise programs for their clients. In other words, they’ll help you work out and execute other lifestyle changes to reach your fitness goal.

We can help with regular one-on-one Personal Training, small groups of up to 3 people maximum OR we can write regular programmes for you to do in your own time. 

We have 2 awesome workout spaces at the studio – a smaller more personalised PT Room and a larger Group Training area. Depending on your goals your PT will develop your personalised programme and have access to a wide selection of equipment. 

The Benefits of Working with a Personal Trainer

There are many benefits in working with a Personal Trainer;


It can …


1/Increase Accountability 


 We all know that consistency is key when it comes to achieving your health and fitness goals. Being accountable to your PT to show up for sessions, working harder during the sessions, using the right form and technique so you get the most out of each rep (no cheating) goes a long way to reaching your health and fitness goals faster!  


 2/ Increase your knowledge about Health and Fitness 


 A good coach will educate you as well as train you! Tell you the why’s, the how’s so that you can achieve your goals faster! You will learn so much from your PT that you can use elsewhere. Invaluable knowledge and experience can be gained. 


3/ Help with Goal Setting 


Your PT will help you to set goals, help you to achieve them faster, then help you to set some new ones! Progress is accelerated! 



4/ Provide you with an Individualised and Tailored Plan 


The programme is unique and specific to your goals and develops and progresses as you do! As your goals change your programming will reflect this.



5/ Provide Flexibility within your busy schedule 

 You work out a mutually convenient time and not governed by a set time table. 


6/ Promote Exercise Variety 

 A good PT will always incorporate Progression to your programming and give you lots of different exercises to keep your interest and motivation high! 


7/ Provide overall guidance on health and well being

A PT will train you physically, however  they are also a great resource to advise you on Nutrition and lifestyle choices – you will gain so much from each session. 

 8/ Help your mental health

There is a lot of research that supports the positive effect physical activity can have on mental health issues like depression and anxiety. Exercise increases blood circulation to the brain, helping reduce stress and improve mood and cognitive function overall. Working with a trainer consistently will help you reap these benefits.

Not only that a good PT will take an interest in your life and cheer you on – knowing this can make you feel strong both physically and mentally! It’s a Win Win!

We have a number of Personal Trainers available to help. If you would like us to personally get in touch with you and find the right PT for your needs click here and register your details with Strive2BFIT. We will then be in touch to discuss your requirements further and introduce you to the Personal Trainer that is the best match.  

Click the button below to fill out your contact details, We will be in touch shortly to find out more about your goals and unique needs. Your personal information will always be kept private and we will only contact you regarding this service. We look forward to hearing from you.  

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